About the Course
Fostering children and youth in need can be a source of great joy and fulfillment, yet it comes with distinctive challenges and stressors throughout the journey. Caregivers frequently encounter persistent daily stress, sudden crises that induce acute stress, and critical incidents that can strain their usual coping mechanisms.
This workshop aims to empower caregivers with valuable insights and practical strategies for constructing a customized stress management system that is both proactive and reactive. By embracing a holistic approach that incorporates physical, social, and psychological methods of self-regulation, participants will acquire the essential tools to effectively navigate and cope with the various stressors inherent in the fostering experience.
Learning Objectives
1. Understand various stressors encountered during the fostering journey.
2. Recognize the impact of stress on their well-being and their ability to provide nurturing care.
3. Explore strategies for proactive stress management through physical, social, and psychological approaches.
4. Develop techniques for reactive stress management during unexpected crisis situations and critical incidents.
5. Create a personalized stress management plan that can be implemented in their daily lives as caregivers.