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Life After Incest and Child Sexual Abuse

About the Course

Living a happy life following incest and child sexual abuse is often elusive to many survivors and a daunting task for those who seek a happy and productive life. Child and adult survivors may seek counseling but stop because they don’t believe they’re improving. Counselors become frustrated because clients are not progressing. Families have no idea how to help. Overall, participants will increase their understanding of the impact of incest and child sexual abuse on a child’s development, healing options, and caregiver-supportive parenting strategies.

Learning Objectives

1. Participants will know the prevalence of incest and child sexual abuse nationally and in Ohio’s child welfare

2. Participants will know typical signs that suggest a child may have been sexually abused.

3. Participants will know culturally supportive service options.

4. Participants will know parenting strategies that support lifelong healing.

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