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Sometimes Life Goes Left: What to Do When Things Go Wrong

About the Course

When we're young, it can be cool having parents jump in and help us when something goes wrong. But as we get ready for the next stage in our lives, parents won't always be there and we'll need to handle problems on our own. So how about we practice?

In this workshop, we'll talk about the process of deciding what to do when a problem arises. Whether the problem is a car breakdown, an unexpected job loss or something far more problematic, you'll learn the problem solving process that will help every time. While attending this workshop won't prevent problems from coming your way, it will give you the tools and the confidence to meet them head-on.

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn the basics of problem solving and the importance of addressing problems head-on.
Participants will understand the value and learn the process of brainstorming and evaluating possible solutions.
Participants will learn the benefit of putting the solutions into action and evaluating their results each time.

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