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Successful Engagement with LGBTQI+ Families and Youth

About the Course

One of the foundational goals of child welfare is to ensure that the overall well-being of children and adolescents is continually addressed. Resource Families are in the unique position of spending great amounts of daily time with the children and adolescents placed in their homes. As a result, they may be the first to recognize a child or adolescent is struggling with their sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity. And, considering in most cases, visits with the birth family, who may also identify as LGBTQI+ are still occurring, it is a critical Resource and Adoptive Families know affirming ways to meaningfully engage with the birth family.

Learning Objectives

1. To be successful, Resource and Adoptive Families must have a working knowledge of LGBTQI+ families and communities.

2. To be successful, Resource and Adoptive Families must know how to talk with children and adolescents about their SOGIE and the associated societal challenges.

3. To be successful, Resource and Adoptive Families must know how to help children, adolescents, and birth parents resolve concerns or challenges related to the child or adolescent’s SOGIE.

4. To be successful, Resource and Adoptive Families must know where the relevant culturally specific services or programs are located.

5. To be successful, Resource and Adoptive Families must know where to receive support for themselves, the biological family, the child, or the adolescent.

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