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Jim Still-Pepper


Motivational speaker, trainer and author Jim Still-Pepper has an impressive 33-year tenure and a clear mission; bring clinical services out of the centers and into the heart of the community. With a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and an expert in mental health and trauma, Jim's passion lies in empowering and connecting with audiences to create a transformative impact.

Jim's motivational training and consulting has captivated audiences in the U.S. and abroad. His contributions have earned him the Linda Pope Award and the Rising Star Award from the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program, Distinguished Trainer Award from the National Staff Development and Training Association and the Trainer of the Year recognition from the North East Ohio Regional Training Center.

Jim's empathetic and creative presentation style fuels participants' motivation to embrace practical interventions and skills. His workshops focus on nurturing the mental health and well-being of children, adolescents as well adults in the helping professions.

Jim is an accomplished author, having penned nearly 100 articles and authored or co-authored seven books. His talents stretch even further, with his poetry, artwork, and photography adorning galleries, magazines, and greeting cards.

Jim's legacy as a dynamic leader, educator, motivator, and advocate has left an indelible mark on the community in Central Ohio and beyond. Through his unwavering commitment, Jim continues to inspire, educate, and transform lives, one presentation, one program, and one artistic expression at a time.

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